Page 7 - Catalogo_2024
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Comunica sceglie prodotti che garantiscono la provenienza da foreste gestite in
maniera sostenibile e responsabile e da altre fonti controllate.
Negli anni Comunica ha inoltre ottenuto le certificazioni
FSC e PEFC ed ha per prima sostenuto l’importanza della
certificazione Ecolabel, ancora non sufficientemente conosciuta
e ricercata rispetto alle più rinomate certificazioni forestali.
Un prodotto può definirsi CO NEUTRAL quando
le emissioni di anidride carbonica generate
dal suo ciclo di vita sono compensate
da progetti e investimenti che riguardano
le energie rinnovabili.
Scopri nel catalogo i prodotti
alle pagine 24, 36, 50, 53, 55,
74 e 85 identificati dai simboli:
The FSC ™ Recycled logo guarantees that
Office printing. Office printing. the product is made of 100% recycled fibres
and that 85% of these come from
For the love of nature. For the love of nature. post-consumer waste. The use of waste paper, especially from
household and commercial collections, helps
to protect resources and to reduce the amount
of waste. Paper products marked with this
Blue Angel symbol must be made from 100%
recovered paper and meet the highest
environmental standards.
At NAUTILUS ® , we stand for gentle, sustainable and conscious handling of nature and its At NAUTILUS ® , we stand for gentle, sustainable and conscious handling of nature and its
resources. resources.
The Green Range is Mondi’s trademark for
Thus, our ultimate goal is to reliably provide our customers with recycled paper of the highest Thus, our ultimate goal is to reliably provide our customers with recycled paper of the highest sustainable paper solutions and consists
quality, purity and whiteness. For all their applications – without compromise. That's how wequality, purity and whiteness. For all their applications – without compromise. That's how we entirely of FSC ™ or PEFC ™ certified paper,
can make a difference, together. can make a difference, together. totally chlorine free paper or 100% recycled
paper. NAUTILUS ® SuperWhite is 100%
NAUTILUS ® – All for the love of nature. NAUTILUS ® – All for the love of nature. recycled and so part of Mondi’s Green Range. The FSC ™ Recycled logo guarantees that
the product is made of 100% recycled fibres.
medium whiteness
medium whiteness high whiteness high whiteness
Products with the EU Ecolabel are less
harmful in their impact on the environment
NAUTILUS ® is also available for professional printing needs in various formats and substances. than others.The EU Ecolabel is managed by The Green Range is Mondi’s trademark for
NAUTILUS ® is also available for professional printing needs in various formats and substances.
For more detailed information please visit For more detailed information please visit the European Union. Please collect used sustainable paper solutions and consists
paper for recycling. entirely of FSC ™ or PEFC ™ certified paper,
totally chlorine free paper or 100% recycled
Office Office paper. NAUTILUS ® ProCycle is 100% recycled
Laser multifunctional Desktop inkjet Laser multifunctional Desktop inkjet and so part of Mondi’s Green Range.
Internal office Internal office
External office External office NAUTILUS ® SuperWhite is a CO 2 neutral
communication paper. The product carbon footprint is
Full colour calculated according to the Confederation of
Full colour office print-outs SuperWhite ProCycle European Paper Producer’s (CEPI) 10 toes
office print-outs standard. We neutralize unavoidable Products with the EU Ecolabel are less
possible very suitable perfect fit possible very suitable perfect fit emissions in the paper production from cradle harmful in their impact on the environment
than others.The EU Ecolabel is managed by
to Mondi factory gate by supporting verified the European Union. Please collect used
emissions reduction projects. Scan the QR
Typical applications: Presentations, sustainability reports, corporate stationery, marketing paper for recycling.
Typical applications: Presentations, sustainability reports, corporate stationery, marketing 2 2 code for more information.
brochures, company reports, direct mail, invoices, annual reports, manuals
brochures, company reports, direct mail, invoices, annual reports, manuals 80 A4x 500g/m 80 A4x 500g/m
ENGLISH FRANÇAIS Paper made of 100% recycled fibres Papier fabriqué à base de pâte à
Papier fabriqué à base de pâte à
Paper made of 100% recycled fibres papier 100% recyclé
papier 100% recyclé Highest environmental credentials: CO2
High whiteness, low dusting and neutral, Blue Angel, FSC™ Recycled and EU Le meilleur profil environnemental: CO2 neutre, NAUTILUS ® ProCycle is a CO 2 neutral paper.
perfect runnability Une blancheur élevée, faible tendance au Blue Angel, FSC™ Recyclé, EU Ecolabel
poussiérage et passage parfait en machine The product carbon footprint is calculated
Ideally suited for all types of communication Ideally suited for all types of communication Conseillé pour tout type de communication Super white, CO 2 neutral, Eco white, CO 2 neutral, according to the Confederation of European
Conseillé pour tout type de communication We neutralize unavoidable emissions in the
Paper Producer’s (CEPI) 10 toes standard.
higher inkjet printing quality with vivid colours,
ESPAÑOL ESPAÑOL ITALIANO 100% recycled paper for laser, 100% recycled paper for laser, Papers with ColorLok ® Technology provide paper production from cradle to Mondi factory
ITALIANO gate by supporting verified emissions
Fabricado al 100% con fibras recuperadas Fabricado al 100% con fibras recuperadas Carta prodotta al 100% con fibre riciclate bolder blacks, faster drying time and overall reduction projects. Scan the QR code for more
superior printing results on all printing devices.
Carta prodotta al 100% con fibre riciclate inkjet printers and copiers. inkjet printers and copiers. information.
Alta blancura, baja presencia de polvillo y un Elevato punto di bianco, basso spolvero Migliori credenziali ambientali: CO2 neutro, In addition, papers with ColorLok ® Technology
Mejor perfil medioambiental: CO2 neutro,
meet a range of specifications that apply to
Ángel Azul, FSC™ reciclado y Ecolabel UE
comportamiento en máquina perfecto e perfetta macchinabilità Angelo Azzurro, FSC™ riciclato ed Ecolabel UE All for the love of nature. All for the love inkjet and laser printing.
Idóneo para todo tipo de comunicación Idóneo para todo tipo de comunicación Ideale per ogni tipo di comunicazione
Ideale per ogni tipo di comunicazione
Papier aus 100% Recycling-Fasern Papier aus 100% Recycling-Fasern Papier gemaakt van 100% gerecyclede vezels
Papier gemaakt van 100% gerecyclede vezels
Hohe Weiße, geringe Staubentwicklung und Hoge witheid, geringe stofontwikkeling en Beste milieuprofiel: CO2 neutraal, Blauwe Engel,
Bestes ökologisches Profil: CO2 neutral, Blauer
perfekte Laufeigenschaften Engel, FSC™ Recycled und EU Ecolabel FSC™ Recycled en EU Ecolabel
perfecte loopeigenschappen
Ideal geeignet für alle Arten der Ideal geeignet für alle Arten der Ideaal geschikt voor diverse soorten van NAUTILUS ® SuperWhite was awarded the
Kommunikation Ideaal geschikt voor diverse soorten van communicatie BLI certificate for being highly reliable across Papers with ColorLok ® Technology provide
communicatie a wide range of devices in BLI’s extensive bolder blacks, faster drying time and overall
higher inkjet printing quality with vivid colours,
testing program, with excellent performance superior printing results on all printing devices.
related to image quality, dusting and curl.
Buyers Lab is the leading global independent In addition, papers with ColorLok ® Technology
meet a range of specifications that apply to
office products test lab and business inkjet and laser printing.
consumer advocate. | carte per informare 7
pisamiški papir ● Багатофункцiональний офiсний папiр ● Мултифункционална канцелариска хартиjа ● Wielofunkcyjny papier biurowy ●
Мултифункционална офис хартия ● Vίceýčelovy kancelářský papír ● Multifunkcionális irodai kommunikációs papír ● Hârtie multifuncţională
pentru birou ● Viacúčelový kancelársky papier ● multifunktions kontorpapir ● Multifunktsionaalne kontoripaber ● Monikäyttöinen toimistopaperi ●
Dažādi lietojams biroja papírs ● Daugiafunkcis biuro popierius ● Multifunctioneel Kantoor Papier ● Multifunksjonelt kontorpapir ● Multifunktionellt
多 功 能 办 公 用 纸 ● マルチユースコピー用紙 ● 다목적 사무용 용지 ● Бумага для печати. Информация действительна только для России и стран
СНГ. Производитель: Монди Нойзидлер ГмбХ, Австрия 3363, Ульмерфельд-Хаусменинг, тел: +43 (0)7475 500. Товар сертифицирован.
Импортер: АО “Монди Сыктывкарский ЛПК”, г. Сыктывкар, пр-т Бумажников, д.2, тел.: +7 (8212) 69 95 55
80 80
g/m² g/m²
500x 500x Et-Nr. 000.000 Et-Nr. 000.000
A4 A4
210x297mm LG
210x297mm LG Made in Austria Made in Austria